Tvrtka VERSO ALTIMA d.o.o. uspješno je provela projekt „Komercijalizacija inovativnih Citizen Engagement i Open Smart City platformi tvrtke VERSO ALTIMA d.o.o.“ čija je provedba trajala od 1. srpnja 2022. do 1. srpnja 2024. godine. Projekt se provodio sukladno pravilima u okviru Javnog poziva na dostavu projektnog prijedloga za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava „Komercijalizacija inovacija“.
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Otvorena pozicija: Voditelj podrške (m/ž)
Pridruži se Verso Altima timu!
Mario Gerenčir za Studio 4 o izazovima i perspektivama izvoza u Hrvatskoj
Naš direktor Mario Gerenčir gostovao je u emisiji Studio 4 gdje je s Darinkom Bagom, stručnjakom za izvoz, diskutirao o aktualnim pitanjima vezanim za izvoz u Hrvatskoj.
Otvorena pozicija: Arhitekt poslovnih rješenja (m/ž)
Tražimo iskusnog Arhitekta poslovnih rješenja koji će se pridružiti našem Timu za razvoj!
Otvorena studentska pozicija – Mlađi stručnjak za kibernetičku sigurnost (m/ž)
Jesi li motiviran/a student/ica zainteresiran/a za rad u području kibernetičke sigurnosti? Ako jesi, pridruži nam se kao Mlađi stručnjak za kibernetičku sigurnost i proširi svoje znanje i iskustvo!
HealthChain Project: Revolutionizing Healthcare Monitoring Across Europe
The HealthChain Project, co-financed by the European Union’s I3 instrument and spanning five countries, introduces a pioneering remote patient monitoring solution, poised to revolutionize healthcare monitoring across Europe and enhance patient outcomes through collaborative innovation.
New digital and green project in Karlovac
“This is a unique project, which puts Karlovac on the map of green and digital cities in the region. We wanted this solution to be top quality and financially efficient” – said our director Mario Gerencir at the signing of the contract “Energy service by implementing improvement measures energy efficiency of the public lighting system of the City of Karlovac” between the City of Karlovac and our company.
Verso Altima Smart City Platform
Cities all over the World are facing challenges like safety, sustainability and mobility. These challenges are tackled by the Verso Altima Digital Smart City Platform, providing cities with infrastructure, software and IoT hardware to drive their dramatic digital transformation.
Best in Parking AG acquires 50% stake in Verso Altima
Best in Parking AG complements its digital service offering by acquiring a stake in the IT company Verso Altima Ltd. The acquisition not only supports the core business, but also the long-term transformation process from a pure parking operator to a pioneer for “smart & climate active cities”.
The Managed Cyber Defense Center (CDC)
The Managed Cyber Defense Center (CDC) as one of major cybersecurity components, aims to deploy an appropriate mixture of people, processes and technology to be able to provide continuous security monitoring, vulnerability risk assessment, threat intelligence, and intrusion detection of customers’ IT environment.